Marie' has been in Japan. She was home for just two days, just enough time to do laundry and send me this amazing package before heading off to Hawaii.
Her report of a 4 story fabric store in Tokyo, Japanese prints for almost 1/2 the price we can get them here, and unknown pattern companies made me a bit envious. But what a good friend to bring back and send a fashion magazine, cool denim like knit fabric, a clear plastic metric ruler, a corsage book, and yet another little girl's pattern book. She also threw in a box of chocolate filled pretzel sticks that the kids finished before I finished browsing the new books and magazine.
I can't wait to hear more of what she saw and picked up on her trip. This coming fall is sure to be full of some great Japanese sewing.
Oh yeah, I was also really jealous and amused by her explanation of a vegetable man who circled the neighborhood announcing from his truck "fresh vegetables". I think of that every time I hear the ice cream truck here and wonder why I wasn't born in Japan.
I am glad you liked them. I forgot to include the felt sheets. I will mail them soon.